Woodlea Primary School


Our SENCO is Ms Lillian Zwarts

She is contactable via the school office: 01420 476342 or senco@woodlea.hants.sch.uk

The SENCO will reply within 48 hours.

SEN - Special Education Needs provision

SEN Statement

Woodlea Primary School is highly committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs and abilities. The school seeks to raise achievement, remove barriers and increase physical and curricular access to all by providing a friendly supportive learning environment. We aim to enable every child to learn as effectively as possible, to enjoy his/her learning and to provide a foundation for life-long learning. All children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) are valued, respected and are equal members of the school.

Our SENCo ( Mrs Hardie) works with a team of teaching assistants and HLTAs who support children with SEND. This support takes place both in the classroom and through short term interventions both individually and in small groups.

The class teachers meet regularly with parents and carers to keep them informed of their child’s progress towards the targets on their Individual Education Plan (IEP) and to share next steps in their learning. The SENCo also meets with parents who have concerns about their child to discuss their progress, offer support and discuss possible solutions.

Our school ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) also supports children and parents through difficult times.

We have very good links with the Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service which ensures any child joining us with little or no English can be well supported.

We also work closely with other outside agencies including the school nurse team, Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, CAMHS, Primary Behaviour Services, Waterloo School and Hollywater Outreach.


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